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UCA Yearbooks Online
Summer Basketball Camp Registration
Summer Basketball Camp Registration
How many students will be attending from your family?
Name of First Student:
Name of Second Student:
Name of Third Student:
Last name of family attending:
Grade level:
Grade level:
Grade level:
July 17 - 20, 2023
2012 Yearbook
2014 Yearbook
2015 Yearbook
The first thing to understand about UCA is that we are a homeschool cooperative tutorial and NOT a homeschool umbrella. Every student that attends UCA is a homeschool student and is thus required by law to register with the state as such. This is usually done by either registering with your local public school board or by using a private umbrella school. Two of the closest umbrella schools in our area that you could use to register your child are Aaron Academy, located in Hendersonville, or Daniel One Academy, located in Cookeville. These umbrella schools keep the academic records of your child's progress towards graduation and also serve as a location by which colleges or other institutions can obtain your child's school transcripts.
UCA, as mandated by our UCA school board, desires to maintain a conservative, Christian-based atmosphere to assist our families in enriching their homeschool experience. To achieve this goal, we cannot serve students and families who are not self-motivated to do their school work, who need some kind of school-provided discipline as an incentive to behave on campus, or who are unable to willingly comply with our school standards of hair, dress, and conduct.
All parents who enroll thier child(ren) in classes at UCA must do so with the knowledge that it is the sole responsibility of parents to oversee their child(ren)'s completion of homework assignments and that their children are learning the material covered. The student will be involved only one day per week in any specific class offered at UCA; therefore, a parent must be fully engaged during the other four days to ensure that the learning process is successful. These parental responsibilities are not transferred to UCA when a student takes a class on campus. Parents are also responsible for assigning the final grade for the class.
If you are interested in having your student(s) attend UCA, you can contact us at 615-485-2116, or we will contact you if you complete the online registration offered on this site. A family is not accepted into UCA until after completing a process that includes a new family interview and school board approval.
May the Lord bless your school year and your endeavors to home school your child!
Basketball Camp is for middle school and high school boys that are going into at least 6th grade (having completed the 5th grade) but not yet having graduated high school. The dates chosen for this camp are Monday - Thursday, July 15th - 18th, from 9:00 AM until 2:30 PM. The camp will feature morning exercises and drills that are designed to teach the skills necessary to become a better basketball player. Dribbling, Shooting, Defending, and Passing skills will all be fundamental skills that will be worked on and developed throughout the week. At lunch time around noon, the boys will break to eat (please pack a daily lunch) and then we will have a thirty minute devotion. We plan to have several different guest speakers give these devotions. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to mini tournaments so that the boys can experience team basketball play and develop how to use their skills in actual game scenarios. There is no requirement for boys to attend UCA in order to join the camp. There is also no requirement that interested boys would have to join the UCA basketball team in order to attend the camp. Jeremy Counts will be the director of this camp.
Currently, there is not a scheduled soccer camp for this summer due to there not enough interest to merit having one. If the interest for soccer camp increases, we will put registration information up on this site at that time. Thanks!